Archive for the 'Mchenrycruiser gets HIT ON' Category


Hit on by gay dude

So I’m in EMT class ,sitting across the table from a hot blond chick and some dude from some country I cannot pronounce.I envision myself pounding her p u s s y like a jack hammer.But first something needs to be cleared up…

me: so are you 2 a couple
[she gives me weird look]
foreign dude:no but you can join us in a 3some
me:deal!but YOU cant touch me though
foreindude:you would LOVE IT
meh my lord, is he THAT way??
me:dude,are you THAT way?
foreign dude:you would LOVE the things I could do to you
me: Well, I am intrigued
some other guy: looks at your book he gave you his number…

[I look at the inside flap of my emt book and see his cell phone number]
me: oohhhhh look at that ,you have some competition … [looking at chick]
foreign dude: I will blow you
me:you better buy me dinner and drinks first…… an UPSCALE restaurant……..i ain’t going to know Denny’s….I want LOBSTER
foreign dude:call me ill show you a good time….I’m gonna taste mchenrycruiser
[mimes sucking a c o c k while looking at me suductively